Master the Methodology that WILL change your life forever!

This program was created so that high achieving out-of-the-box thinkers like you don’t have to spend $150,000 and 15 years learning how to access higher states of consciousness to create the life you truly desire.

 Time to master the methodology and LIVE BEYOND ALL HUMAN LIMITATIONS.

Enrollment opens October 23rd

Do you ever think...

  • Is this it? Is this all there is? There must be more to life, but where would I go to find it?
  • I'm always working or thinking about work. When I'm with my family or friends, I'm not really present. I feel disconnected from everyone, including myself.
  • I know I have to have a positive mindset and attitude of gratitude, but I can't seem to keep my energy in that space.
  • I feel like I should be happy. Nothing's really terrible... but I feel empty, unfulfilled, and exhausted.
  • I want to change, but I make excuses and care too much about what people say.
  • If I had more time, I'd probably just keep working because I've never had enough time to get my to do list done anyway.

Thinking this way bothers you so much because deep down, you know there's something better for you.

You've been looking for a place you can call home, where you can explore living beyond the rules, constraints, and limitations of this world.  Where you can finally access your true potential and live outside the boxes society has tried to put you in. 

You're waking up... you can feel it.

It's why the 9-5, hustle culture that society has deemed as success feels so unnatural and uncomfortable.

Welcome home. You're in the right place ;)

Anything you want REALLY IS possible

women celebrating wins a with self mastery course

1,000+ clients worldwide

Using The Beyond Human Method's Proven methodology, hundreds of people have...

  • Mastered work-life balance to cultivate deep authentic relationships
  • Experienced profound inner peace, joy, and relaxation, in the face of any circumstance
  • RECEIVED the love and abundance they never knew existed
  • Prioritized their purpose to lead a passion-filled life
  • Dissipated doubt, fear, and shame to follow their internal compass
  • Taken their business to the next level
  • Unlocked their full potential and accomplished goals they once thought impossible

"We play the game... Who's the happiest?!"

-Kristen Bauer-
Business Owner - CPA
When Kristen and her husband started using the methodology, they were both working 60+ hours a week, feeling burnt out, never seeing each other or their kids.

After working with The Beyond Human Method, her husband sold his business and started homeschooling the kids to travel full time

Kristen and her husband now live on the beach, just celebrated their 20 year anniversary, are more in love than ever before, and play the game "who's the happiest?"

The magic of this methodology is that you can apply the course and teachings to what ever it is you want. We take a customized, personal approach to transcend any and all limitations.

So what do you want?

Deeply Connected and INTIMATE Relationships

Most of us want a great relationship - a significant other that loves us deeply and celebrates us every day.  But how do we get there when our past patterns and unresolved feelings of unworthiness, and not good enough keep rearing their ugly heads? If you're ready to break the cycle and heal your heart to experience deeply connected, intimate partnerships then we are ready for you. 

Time to be so FILLED with joy and love that your cup overflows!


Discover your path, purpose, and your  deepest desires.

Why you are here? What are you here to do?

Even when we KNOW the answer, our concerns of time, money, and pleasing others keep us from living our soul's path.  Time to FOLLOW your purpose, dissolve your limiting patterns, and live a life completely fulfilled on every level. 

Ready to be connected on that level?


Maybe you know  that money is just an energy, maybe you don't.  But, here's your chance to master the energy of money to have more, be more and do more with it. 

And when you're ready, you'll have more money, clients, and business FLOW to you, simply because you exist.
Together we'll eradicate your patterns of scarcity, fear, and shame to finally live  a life of true freedom, wealth and abundance.

How will you get there? 

Other courses or programs may only focus on mindset or give you a list of new structures to implement in your life. These can be short term, "quick fix" approaches that don't lead to lasting results.  We've found that it's difficult to make change when we have years of unconscious patterns and emotions we don't even know exist.  And, if we take new actions on top of them, it's like putting icing on top of a poop pie! 💩  Life may seem better, but it still tastes like caca! 

Our methodology focuses on 3 pillars
to ensure the change you're out to accomplish actually happens.
New Foundation of Living
If you want to make a change and have it actually stick, you'll need a new foundation. 

One that's clear of your old patterns and allows you to live from your natural state of flow. 
Unfortunately society hasn't trained us in this way, so step one is for you to create your own foundation, one that nurtures you, empowers you, and frees you from burnout and self-imposed limitations. 
Pillar 2:
Limiting Pattern Release  
You know that it's your past experiences giving you the life you have.  So when you release those limiting patterns you can now choose to BE and have anything you want.  WITHOUT LIMITATION.

Together we'll identify the root cause and unconscious stress responses that have kept you stuck and you'll learn how to clear them, once and for all.

In this clear space, you'll be able to choose and create anything you want.
Activating Your Potential
We've defined success as making more money and climbing the ladder at the sacrifice of ourselves (self-care, self-worth, self-fulfillment), but that's not why you're here right now.

Your taught limitations are a lie, and the box society has tried to put you in is false.  You've incarnated to wake up and live a different path. 

Time to discover your truest nature and activate your potential.  Learn how to heal, love, and change anything and everything you want.

What's Included?

11 Self Guided Training Modules 

Each module includes workbooks as well as audio/video recordings to support you in your ultimate self-mastery. Learn on the go so you don't have to sacrifice existing commitments to focus on yourself.  Each module has a suggested time frame to complete. During that time, we recommend you listen and re-listen everyday to absorb the information and establish a new foundation.

3 LIVE Sessions with the Founder every Month

Receive personalized guidance from Law of Attraction Expert, Tamara Rose, and connect with other members of the Beyond-Human community. Leave each session with a higher level of awareness, commitment, and understanding about yourself and your path.  Become constantly connected to something BIGGER than you! Can't make it live? You'll have access to a library of 12 months of past recorded calls to support your journey.

3 Group Sessions to "Master the Modules" every month

Meet with Head Coach and Program Manager Ronnie to take the trainings to the next level with others in the community. If you like working in a group setting or having study sessions on your new obsession, then this is your place. As you move through the trainings with community members, you'll find you're never alone in dealing with something. You'll find it easy to dive into the modules with others on the same journey as you.  

Why Does it Take 12 Months?

Change doesn't happen overnight. To be successful in your new life, you'll need to clear out old patterns while consistently creating new ones. You'll need to re-wire yourself out of the struggle, work hard, hustle, crash, and burn reality you've been indoctrinated into. Given that these patterns have been around for 20-30+ years, you can see that changing them might not be so easy. It takes time to build a new foundation of living, re-pattern our brains and bodies, and expand BIGGER than we ever thought possible.

For Tamara, it took 15 years. For you, it can take less than 12 months, guaranteed.

"In the last 3 months, I brought in the annual income I made all last year"

-Melissa Ternes-
Wealth Coach
"I've read the books, taken the courses, gotten the certifications, and done tons of work with clients around money. Tamara's philosophy is like nothing I've seen anywhere, ever. Her approach is simple to put into practice and yields results that last!

In the last 3 months, I brought in the ANNUAL INCOME I made all last year AND worked way less! There are tons of people that will teach you strategy and mindset, but Tamara trains you in energetics at a deep and transformational level!"

Only a slim percentage of the population is ready for a training like this. Are you one of them?

Reduced Anxiety


Increased Happiness

Increased Abundance

A Message From The Founder of The Beyond Human Method: 
Tamara Rose

When people see me on stage, they often think I must have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Let me tell you, the life I've cultivated now is NOT how it's always been. Before this work...
  • When I was a kid, my family was very poor. The two local gangs used to “work out their differences”on our street corner. 
  • As a child, I experienced mental, physical, and sexual abuse.
  • My parents divorced when I was in middle school - I used cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol to cope. 
  • In my 20's I slept with a knife under my pillow. Feeling scared, helpless, and alone.
  • My mother was an alcoholic and diagnosed bipolar. She died in 2017 battling cancer.
  • In 2009, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease. For 10 years, every doctor recommended my thyroid be removed. 
  • At 35 with a baby and an unemployed husband, I was $80k in debt & earning just $1,500 a month. 
  • Most of my life, I felt unloved, unworthy and inadequate...
I want you to know that it would have been a normal storyline for any ONE of these events to become MY STORY. The story of my pain, my trauma, and why things didn't work out for me. But my life path has always been to show others that there is a better way to heal, live in abundance, and manifest ANYTHING WE WANT. 

Now, through mastering this methodology...
  • I've built a company from the ground up and get to experience my life's purpose every day, NEVER waking up to an alarm
  • My thyroid has been completely healed for 4 years and since then, no doctor has suggested any sort of medication, thyroid therapy or surgeries.  
  • I'm a heart-centered, conscious mom. The people closest to me would NOT even relate to me as a "single mom".
  • I have the time, money, and freedom to do what I want, when I want, and with whom I want (vacations, trips, school events, etc.)
  • I live in the home of my dreams in the mountains of Colorado like I'm on vacation year round
  • I maintain a sense of peace and ease no matter what life has thrown at me
If you're looking for someone who's been where you are, who's already created an expansive life and is STILL not settling, who has more than 20,000 hours of experience as a facilitator, coach, and guide to others, you are in the exact right place! 

For 15 years, I've developed my ability as an intuitive facilitator, manifestation coach, and spiritual guide. And I still remain on an endless quest to move beyond the human realms of limitation.

When you're ready to say "I LOVE MY LIFE" and MEAN IT, I'll be here to guide you to your next level!

Your circumstances shouldn't define you...  
I'm walking proof of that!

A New Foundation of Living...

"Before I started working with The Beyond Human Method, I knew I needed a lot of change.  I didn’t like my job, my relationship with my partner was full of friction, and I needed to do things different than I had EVER done before.  If I kept doing the same old thing, I was going to keep getting the same results.  I was curious if I not only changed my perception, but got RID of my perception entirely.  Now after 3 years, I’ve moved through my divorce, found a new job that I love, and created a completely new life with my kids and co-parent.  I feel fulfilled and balanced, like there is magic happening everyday!"
Arthur Drain
"I feel like I have been looking for this program my whole life!  I have seen therapists in the past and while they have been helpful, the Beyond Human Method is the next step for me.  There are things in my life I desire to change and through this program I am actively working toward making those changes.  At times it might feel uncomfortable, but what once seemed impossible to make happen in my life, I now see as completely possible."
Tara slusher
"I came to this program looking for help to grow my business exponentially.  I found that... and so much more.  At the time I was COMPLETELY closed off to relationships.  After 2 dysfunctional marriages and being a single mom of three young kids, I didn't trust myself, I didn't want to take the time and I was plain scared of relationships. Tamara led me to trust - in every area of my life - and to use my intuition and other tools.  I immediately and easily met a great man where we share the same goals, values and humor!"

Do you want to just say you tried?
Are you ready for REAL RESULTS?

What's My Investment?

The founder crafted this methodology by investing 15 years of study, over $150,000, and completing 53 different scientific and spiritual studies on topics including:

  • Ontology
  • Quantum Physics
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Scientific Principles of Hands-on Healing
  • Male and Female Dynamics
  • Meditation's Effects on the Brain
  • The Laws of Attraction
  • Differentials of finances, money, and abundance
  • Chromosomal innate behaviors

The Beyond Human Methodology incorporates ALL of these frameworks, distilling them down into practical application for tangible results. 
For Tamara, it took $150,000 and 15 years.
Your investment is only:

$10,000 for 12 Months

100% Guaranteed Results. Financing Options Available.

"I never have to compromise, I’m completely supported 100% of the time."

-Gayle Goldman-
Business Owner
"Before the program, I wanted a relationship and had given up. I would compromise what I wanted just to be with somebody, and my normal MO would be to chase partnership and commitment. 

Now, I’m in a relationship where I’m adored, cherished, desired and loved. I never have to compromise, I’m completely supported in what I’m doing 100% of the time, and the best part is I don’t have to do anything to have my partner generate. He generates doing things with me, for me, and for us. Not only is he interested in growth, but he also takes it on himself… It’s awesome, easy, and EASE-FILLED! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Write your awesome label here.

"I had no idea I would just step into a new life as a new person. "

-Regina Sooey-
Real Estate Agent
"When I signed up I knew that I'd receive something of value, I'd learn, I'd enjoy working on myself and my life would improve. I had no idea I would just step into a new life as a new person. 

This stuff is not total BS...

It really exists, and is accessible to anyone. I am becoming one of those annoying happy, excited infinite beings who can do anything I choose for my life. I want to be around more of those annoying perfect people and create with them. I don't need the problems or problematic people to be relatable or to feel like I am overcoming something.

Wow, just wow!!!!!!"

Enrollment Opens October 23rd...
Don't Wait!

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